Digital Entrepreneurship and Business Model

Digital Entrepreneurship and Business Model, the emerging green business strategy provides a networked infrastructure that enables incremental business transformation as well as radical business changes. So far, the full potential of possible business opportunities has not been leveraged. The digital entrepreneurship is a driver for digitization. By analyzing machine data, the use of sensors and the intelligent real-time processing of huge amounts of data in the cloud, new business models are created. With the information gained, companies are able to improve their value chain and entrepreneurs are able to develop new business ideas. However, one of the most difficult issues in this context for many companies or entrepreneurs is how they can further develop their existing business model or establish successful new business models that will be based on new technologies. The lean startup provides a scientific approach to get a desired product to customers’ hands faster. To investigate resulting impacts, we draw on the existing business models and deduct specifics for the green business strategy. Building on this, in order to reach the aims of the paper the authors will use a descriptive research method and a case study, to present how lean startup approaches can innovate green business models.