N-Power Agribusiness Small and Medium Enterprises Investment Scheme (AGSMEIS) Main Course

Agribusiness Small and Medium Enterprises this is a credit line facility availed by bankers committee for the promotion of agricultural businesses, micro, small, and medium enterprises (MSMEs) as vehicles for sustainable economic development and employment generation, for start ups and existing businesses.
Introduction to AGSMEIS
Entrepreneurship skill
Please you are required to score above 50% to pass the Quiz.
or you will have to retake it again.
Business Plan for Entrepreneurs
Management for Entrepreneurs
Please you are required to score above 50% to pass the Quiz.
or you will have to retake it again.
Marketing for Entrepreneurs
Please you are required to score above 50% to pass the Quiz.
or you will have to retake it again.
Online Presence for Entrepreneurs
Book Keeping
Please you are required to score above 50% to pass the Quiz.
or you will have to retake it again.
Personal Finance Management
Please you are required to score above 50% to pass the Quiz.
or you will have to retake it again.